Growth Stages and Life Cycle of a Lady Finger Plant

 Lady finger is a flowering plant grown in tropical, subtropical, and warm regions for its edible green seed pods.

 This plant thrives well in warmer climates and takes 5 to 6 days for the seeds to germinate.

 The lifecycle of a lady finger plant takes 55 to 65 days from seeds to harvesting with involves the following stages.

lady finger plant

Growing stages of a ladyfinger plant


The first growth stage of a lady finger is a seed; in this stage of the lifecycle, the plant is in the form of a seed. The seed of a lady finger is small, circular, green to dark green in color and smooth in texture.

 One lady finger pod has a lot of seeds, approximately more than 15. The seeds can be collected from the pod for planting after the pods get ripened.

For better growth, ensure that the seed that you used for planting must be green to brown in color and must be dry.


At this stage of the life cycle of the lady finger plant, the plant starts to germinate which means it starts growing tiny roots and green leafy leaves.

 Germination of the plant occurs if the seeds are mature and have good quality. The good seeds can be detected by the hardness of the seeds.

 Germination also can take place in a seed box where the seeds can be planted in the hole of the boxes.

 Young seedling

 The seedling stage of the lady finger plant is the actual growth stage where it starts to grow sprouted roots and a few leaves.


 The more chances to seed healthy germination, the greater the seedling is. For this, the seed requires regular watering and pre fertilization.

 Besides that, it is required to cultivate the soil around the seedling.

 Older lady finger plant

 The older lady finger plant stage is the stage where the plant is fully mature. At this stage of the life cycle, the plant starts to grow stronger stems and green leafy leaves.

For the healthier growth of a mature plant, the plant requires a lot of care than the previous one including enough sunlight, water, and fertilizer.

 The gardener should take immense care of the plant so there will be no worry anymore after.


At this stage of the life cycle, the plant starts bearing beautiful smooth yellow flowers. At this stage the plant is 12 - 16 years older.

At this flowering stage, the plant needs watering every day. Fertilizers also should be used for its healthier growth. Organic fertilizer is always recommended for lady finger plants.

 Bearing fruits

 At this stage of the lifecycle of the lady finger plant, the plant produces pods for the first time. At this stage the fruits are grown from the flowers.

 The lady fingers are smooth in texture with a horizontal shape and a pointed tip. It can be grown up to 4-8 inches long

 The lady fingers are green in color when they are younger, and become dark green after maturation.


 After the maturation of the fruit, it is ready to harvest, which means the fruit is fully grown and mature for harvesting.

 The grown fruit can be identified by its pods. The harder and smoother the pod is, the more mature the fruit is.

 Besides that, it also can be identified by its color. A yellow-green to the green color pod is the indication of a mature plant.


 At this stage of the life cycle, the lady finger plant starts to dry and turns brown. The seeds inside become harder at this stage.

When the pods become dry, brown, and fall apart, they start to germinate and grow into larger plants. However, collecting the seeds at this time can help you to plant more lady finger for the next time.


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