Christmas Cactus Types

 Christmas cactus is also known as Holiday Cacti and as the name suggests it blooms during Christmas time. You will notice during this holiday time the shops are filled with Christmas cactus plants.

These are great presents for your loved ones. Holiday times are not only for celebrations but also to decorate your homes. Christmas Cactus are the best option to decorate your homes as these are attractive.

Christmas cactus are of three main types

Schlumbergera truncata, Schumbelgera bridgesii and Rhipsalidopsis gaertnerii.

These three types can be distinguished from each other based upon their leaves' shape and blooming seasons.

Schlumbergera Truncata

ThSchlumbergera Truncata, is also known as Thanksgiving Cactus. They usually bloom before a month of Christmas Cactus i.e during late autumn.

Hence, these are mostly available during thanksgiving times. It has crab-shaped leaves and is known as ‘Crab cactus’. They are native to the tropical rainforests of Brazil.

They have prominent colors that help to easily recognize them.

Schlumbergera bridgesii

Among all other varieties, this is one of the longest living plants. It is also known as Christmas Cactus and possesses plumpy leaves with flat stems.

Christmas cactus blooms exactly around the holiday times which makes it a perfect plant to decorate and for gifts as well.

Like Thanksgiving Cacti these are also native to tropical forests of Brazil and have pointed leaves.

Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri

This is known as ‘Easter Cactus’ and is quite different from the other two cacti. They bloom a little late and are also called ‘Spring Cactus’.

However, sometimes they bloom during Halloween too. The leaves are rectangular and flat and the flowers are trumpet-like with pink pointed flowers.

Unlike Christmas Cactus and Thanksgiving Cactus, Easter Cactus is native to the natural forests of Brazil.


When it comes to Christmas cactus propagation, it is one of the easiest plants to propagate. They don't require frequent repotting also.

You need to research a bit more about the propagation technique, types, and care for Christmas cacti before planting it in your homes.

With proper care and propagation methods, these plants will thrive year-round so that you can enjoy its beauty and also gift them to your friends and family as well.


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