Some Amazing Benefits of Coriander
Coriander or you can call it Cilantro, Chinese Parsley or Dhaniya (in India) as well possess some amazing health benefits.
Scientifically it is called Coriandrum sativum. So basically, coriander is the name of the seeds and Cilantro is the name of the leaves .
Corianders are a versatile herbs that are used in many cuisines and dishes such as soups, salads, curries, pasta etc
Both the leaves and the seeds are used in various dishes. The seeds are used in powdered form or else in dried form.
Coriander seeds help greatly in the digestion process. In this article I have listed down some amazing health benefits of Cilantro/ Coriander.
Helps in promoting digestion
Coriander seeds are great for boosting your digestive system and maintaining your gut health. The oils present in the seeds help them to do so. It also helps in increasing appetite.
Helps in fighting infections
Coriander may help fight salmonella and other foodborne illnesses due to its antimicrobial properties.
Protection of Skin
Coriander possesses several benefits for skin diseases or minor rashes like dermatitis. It also contains antioxidants and prevents skin aging and sun damage .
Protect your Brain health
Coriander has an anti-inflammatory property that helps in reducing diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis. It also helps in managing anxiety. Improve memory power.
Improve heart health
Coronary disease can be protected by coriander because it lowers blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. Spices seem to lower the risk of heart disease in people who eat a diet rich in them.
Immune booster
Antioxidants present in coriander have been shown to promote immune function, reduce cancer risk, fight inflammation, and protect against neurodegenerative diseases.
Helps in lowering blood sugar
Blood sugar is lowered by coriander seeds by reducing enzyme activity that works to remove sugar from the bloodstream.
The herb coriander is loaded with antioxidants, a popular culinary herb and one with many health benefits.
Taking it regularly may lower your blood sugar, combat infections, and promote the health of your heart, brain, skin, and digestive system.
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