Cat Palm vs Majesty Palm: which is the best palm plant?


When it comes to bringing a tropical plant to your home, no one can beat the aura of the palm plant. But there are a lot of varieties of palm plants. When considering a house palm plant, there are two varieties that are cat palm and majesty palm which can be planted as the House plant.

People always get confused between both cat palm and majesty palm. When they decide to buy an indoor palm tree for home, they can't decide between cat palm and majesty palm.

So in this article, we will discuss the major difference between the cat palm and majesty that can help you to choose the best house palm tree for your garden.

Difference between Cat Palm and Majesty palm

There are a lot of similarities between Cat Palm and majesty palm. So it is often difficult to choose the right palm tree. However, there are certain differences between these plants that can help you to choose the right palm plant.

Growing requirements

The major requirement for the growth of a plant is light. The lower growing cat palm requires filtered light and doesn't like direct sunlight. On the other hand, majesty palms grow well when they get direct sunlight without showing any adverse effects.

Likewise, the cat palm likes the soil to remain slightly moist, but not so dry whereas the majesty palm doesn't like to get dry and higher level of humidity. 

Leaf size, shape, and texture

The texture of the majesty palm tree is quite tough whereas the texture of the cat palm tree is soft. In wild areas, the majesty palm can grow enormously whereas the cat palm always remains the same size no matter where it grows.

When grown at home both the plants grow foliage instead of flowers.

The shape of the cat palm leaf is generally clumpy in shape whereas the majesty palm has an upright structure with a height of around eighty feet.

Soil pH

Cat palm thrives well in virtually neutral soil. So an easily accessible house plant potting soil with some perlite to increase the drainage can be beneficial for the growth of this plant.

But on the other hand, the majesty palm prefers acidic soil. This requires a cactus mix soil with a little peat in it to lower the pH.

Knowing the pH level can be tricky for a novice gardener and even for an experienced gardener as well. It needs some experimentation to know it.



This is the place which shows the biggest difference. A cat palm generally prefers 50 percent of humidity and a lucky bamboo plant prefers the humidity level up to 30 to 40 percent.

A car palm plant is not tolerant of that much humidity. So that it grows uncomplainingly in most homes. however, if it shows some intolerance to the humidity, it can be easily prevented by misting lightly or placing it on a pebble tray.

Whereas the majesty palm needs more constant humidity. So you need to use extreme measures to keep it looking good. For that, you monitor the humidity levels of the area. If it is less, then you should increase it by using a humidifier.


Reading this far of the article might have cleared all your queries regarding the difference between a cat palm and a majesty palm plant. 

Both the plants are beautiful house plants in their places. But when it comes to choosing one, cat palm always takes the first place as it's easier to take care of, grows slowly can be manageable, and is less prone to insects.

So we recommend you a cat palm plant over a majesty palm tree.



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