How to grow avocado from seeds?
When you look for the popular summer fruits, no one can beat the aura of avocado. With good taste and flavor, avocado is a perfect fruit in summer. Besides, it contains some nutritious content that is perfect for the category of people who are health conscious.
But there is a great joy in making recipes of your fresh avocado that is grown in your garden. So next time, when you make a dish from avocado, save the seed to grow into the avocado plant.
Don’t have the idea of how to grow avocado from seeds? Don’t worry. It is very easy to grow avocado from seeds.
For the proper guidance, check out the guide below and grow the avocado without any restriction.

Step by step guide to growing avocado from seeds
Remove and clean the pit of the avocado
The process of growing avocado can begin with removing and cleaning the pit. You can start it by removing the pit carefully from the avocado without cutting it or harming it. Then clean the pit properly. Sometimes, washing the pit helps to soak the pit in some water for a few minutes and scrub all the remaining fruit off. Don’t remove the seed cover of the plant that is the brown skin on the pit.
Find the ends of the pit
Most of the avocados are almost shaped like spheres but Some avocado pits are slightly oblong. No matter how the shape of the pit is, all avocado pits have a bottom from where the roots will grow and a top from which the sprout will grow. The top is slightly pointed whereas the bottom is flat as compared to the top side.
To get your pit to sprout, you just need to place the bottom root end in water. so it is very necessary to figure out both the top and bottom end before you go piercing it with toothpicks.

Pierce the pit with four toothpicks
bring four toothpicks and stick them into the avocado seed at a slightly downward angle. Space the toothpick evenly around the whole circumference of the avocado.
These toothpicks are the scaffolding of your avocado, which allows the bottom half of the avocado to rest in the water. That’s why the toothpicks need to be wedged in there firmly. It is recommended to stick them in at a slight angle by pointing them down so that more of the avocado base will rest in the water when you set this over a glass.
Place the seed of the avocado half in the glass of water
Place the avocado pit half in the glass of water and set the glass on a windowsill where it can get proper sunlight. It is recommended to use a clear glass to place it so that you can see when the seed is growing. Besides, change the water regularly for five to six days and so on to prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and fungus that can inhibit the growth of the sprout.
Wait for the avocado seeds to sprout
After you do all the measures, wait for the avocado seeds to sprout. It almost takes 8 weeks to get a sprout. So wait patiently until the sprouts come out.
After 8 weeks you will notice that the avocado seed will e dry and form a crack and the outer brown skin named as the seed cover will slough off. The crack will extend gradually, and the tiny taproot will emerge from the crack.
The taproot will grow longer and longer and after sometimes you will evidence that a small sprout will peek through the avocado seed.
Plant it in the soil
When the stem grows to 6-7 inches long, cut it down to 3 inches. When it again grows to 6-7 inches, plant the seed in rich humus soil.
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