Growth Stages of Brinjal Plant


Brinjal plant is also known as eggplant. Scientific name of the brinjal plant is Solanum melongena. Brinjal plant is a vegetable plant and is mainly grown in summer.

There are basically eight growth stages of brinjal plants that have been discussed in this article in detail.


The seeds of these plants should be dry and mature in order to germinate properly. Young seeds have a very low germination percentage. One fruit can produce approximately more than 40 seeds.


Young seedling

More care is needed by the plant at this stage as they have soft stems. The plants produce good seedlings when they have healthy germination.

When the plant reaches 6 inches in height then it is the right time to transplant them outside so that they can withstand outdoor conditions very well.

Older plant

Here they require proper care and nutrition for their healthy growth and hence provide them with optimum quantity of fertilizers and water.

They will produce more flowers and fruits in this stage under optimum growing conditions.



In this stage the eggplant can be attacked by pests and diseases so major care should be taken for the plants.





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